Not another chatbot

Many companies cannot help but follow the shiny, and every time a new thing pops out, billions are invested and lost.

AI is a big new thing and in the long run it can be presumed to be a core part of life, but the vast majority (not all) of applications being deployed today are either marginally useful or completely useless, a combination of necessary experimentation and me-too technology. How many more incarnations of a chatGPT-based customer service chatbot do we really need?

If you are looking for applications to deploy AI, start with need. Seek out the higher cashflow parts of your business that are heavily reliant on human intuition to make decisions.

Ask “if I had an impossibly large number of people perfectly orchestrated to help make these decisions at phenomenal scale, would it yield a better result”? Could AI make that possible?

Or you could write another chatbot.

// Elliot Mackenzie //


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